Monday, November 29, 2010

Whats In A Name?

Out for a stroll with mom and dad...

It's very cute, lately whenever Nia says goodbye shes does "Bye Bye" followed by whatever she thinks your name is. Sometimes its right on, other times if your name is Mike you might get "Bye Bye CeeCee", if it's Chris or Kristine then she likes to use "Chris" that so you're good. She's starting to use 3 word sentences like "Here it is" or "I don't know", and other times its pure Niaspeak.

It is nothing short of amazing to watch a 1 1/2 year old start to "get" things. If you had a device that could measure invisible light bulbs there would be dozens popping up around Nia's noggin at any given time.

She's also really taken up singing.

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