Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It seems everyday Nia is saying more and more words. She already has a really broad comprehension. We can ask her almost anything within reason and she understands. And lately she's even taken the initiative with putting things away such as trash and toys. Nias dictionary update:

Toast. This was new today. She pointed to the bread and then said "toast" and wanted me to put it in the toaster.
Ka Ka. When her diaper needs to be changed or she sees something dirty she says this.
Up. When she wants to be picked up.
Baby. She loves other babies, but she also said it to a guy in Target so were worried.
Mmmmmmm. Accompanied by tummy rubbing.
Hot. Followed by a "tssssssssssss".
Cold. Sometimes accompanied by her attempt at "brrrrr" and shaking
On/Off. She is fascinated with turning things on and off, especially light switches.
OH TOO DOH! When she watches Micky Mouse Clubhouse they yell for Toodles by saying "OH TOODLES!"
All done. Sometimes she throws her hands up, sometimes no.
Piz. For Pizza
Ca. For Car.
Beep beep. Learned it from wheels on the bus.
Row row row. When she wants to do "Row Row Row Your Boat"
Ah Fa Dn. When she wants to do "Ring Around the Rosie"
Ni Ni. For night night.
Keen Up. For clean up
Tank Ooh. For thank you
Peez. For please.
Juice. Unfortunately since most of her liquids are in a sippy cup, she still calls everything juice including water. But she knows "Milk" in sign language, but that's when she wants the boob.
Yes/No. She uses them right pretty much all the time.
More. She knows this verbally and in sign language.
Apple. Duh. The all mighty and powerful fruit.
No no no no no, etc... Yeah, it's THAT time. The "no's" are sometimes followed by "mine".
In conjunction with either a hand gesture or the recent hand grab and pull.
I do. Miss independent.
Dance. And boy does she love to. Put on a good song and she'll shake it.
Ball. For ball or balloon
Slide. Duh.
Shoe. Now she is starting to have a preference which ones she wants you to put on and will bring them to you.
Mama and Dada. Actually uses them correctly now.
Ball. Self explanatory, although this can also refer to a balloon.
Ice. Loooooves ice.
Mine. Recently expanded from "My". Pretty much everything is "Mine" but she shares great.
Book. She love's books, especially Todd Parr books.
Hi and Bye Bye. Now accompanied by a wave or a blown kiss. She loves to give hugs & kisses
Here. If you walk away she will start saying "here" in a cascading level of volume until you come back. She's also not above throwing herself on the floor if you refuse to come "here" when she asks.
Uh Oh. Accidental or not.
Eyes, Nose, Mouf, Foot, Hand, Hair.
Still not totally on ball with the animal sounds but she does make them. She's really good at "Grrrr" and "Baaaaaa".

And her sign language words: "More", "Milk", "Diaper", "Me", "Eat", "Finished", "Love" and "Thank You"

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