Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This and That Part 2

So this morning after getting dressed Nia took a few steps then bent down and pointed to her shoes and said "SHOES!" Very cute.

At Little Outback today, Nia was taking the baby dolls and putting them in the little cribs and going "ni ni (night night)" then took them out, put them in the little stroller and pushed them around, making sure they were properly seated and had their pacifiers in (this coming from miss car seat fighter). She would rotate the two dolls and even hug and "talk" to them. At one point another toddler tried to take the stroller to which Nia got a very stern look, tightened her lips and put her hand up (not in a hitting position more like a "stop") and grunted. The little boy got the picture. Nia is an excellent sharer but apparently she was very protective of these dolls.

After baby gymnastics today, Nia was in no mood for the car seat and it took over an hour to get her in. None of the usual bribes that have worked were working and she was in prime strength for a physical standoff. Eventually she was so tired I was able to get her strapped in. She was asleep within 4 minutes.

Every night Nia has a new ritual where she comes to mommy and daddy and want to do "Ring Around The Rosey". This morning she wanted to do it in every room, and we had to stay in the circle holding hands as we moved from room to room. And the last time she said "All Fall Down". Well, it was more like "Ah Fa Dn" but we knew what she meant.

Her sign language is really stepping up. She knows "More", "Milk", "Diaper", "Me", "Eat" and is learning "Finished" and "Thank You"

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