Thursday, October 14, 2010

This And That

Recent additions to Nia's dictionary:
That. When asked what she wants she will now point and say "that", which is a shift from the previous "This", and lately followed by "Mommy" or "Daddy".
Duh. The all mighty and powerful fruit.
No no no no no, etc... Yeah, it's THAT time. The "no's" are sometimes followed by "mine".
In conjunction with either a hand gesture or the recent hand grab and pull.
I do. Miss independent.
Dance. And boy does she love to. Put on a good song and she'll shake it.

She has been imitating anything we say phonetically even if she doesn't get the words out. She also has started singing and yes, beatboxing (I swear I will get it on video soon). Sometimes she just walks around the apartment bobbing her head and singing her little babbles.

After her bath yesterday we were sitting in the hallway and my mother asked Nia to go bring her the wet towels from the bathroom and Nia scampered off and we thought to ourselves, "what will Nia bring back?". To our surprise she went in twice and brought out the two wet towels. Yay comprehension!

She has been entertaining herself more and more and on occasion will sit in her room and play by herself and has actually tried to exert her privacy by leading us out of her room and closing the door. Can't wait until she's a teenager.

Nia has pretty much mastered the use of a fork and spoon although she still will pick some things up with her fingers.

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