Saturday, October 2, 2010

And the word of the day is...

Let's face it, babies are awesome but their inability to verbally express what they want ranks up there with tech support sometimes as far as frustrating. Lately, as in the past 2 months, Nia has learned that if she grabs your hand she can lead you to what she wants. Seemingly small gesture but monumental leap in communication. She can lead you to the bookshelf, gesture "uppie" to lift her up and she'll pick out a book. She will lead you to the kitchen and point to the fridge and either say "juice" or gesture for you to open it and she'll then browse and select whatever she fancies. When were on a chair she wants to sit on, she will grab you by the hand as if she was going to take you somewhere and after you've gotten up, gesture for you to put HER on the chair. She also has really broad comprehension. We can ask her to go put a piece of paper in the garbage and she will go into the other room and press the pedal and put it in. If you ask her if she wants something she will generally respond with a head nod of yes or no pretty accurately. She will bring you things if you ask her, like a toddler game of fetch. Obviously what every parent looks forward to is the verbal communication to set in.

With that, Nia is on her way. She has been babbling nonstop for months with her own made up language. We don't know what she's saying, but when she's "talking" she sure means it. She even cracks herself up and slaps her side. Especially when she gets a hold of a phone, whether there's someone on the other end or not she has herself a good old conversation (check the video below). She's actually not as far along with the real words as some, but Melissa (Mom) was the same way and she ended up being a doctor so were happy letting Nia do her thing in her own time. Plus her pediatrician said she pretty advanced in many other things (his words not ours).

Her current dictionary consist of these fine testaments to the English language:
Mama and Dada. Actually uses them correctly now.
Dees. Which means "This" generally followed by pointing to whatever it is she wants.
Ball. Self explanatory, although this can also refer to a balloon.
Juice. Means she wants some juice or her sippy cup filled back up.
Ice. Loooooves ice.
Mine. Recently expanded from "My". Pretty much everything is "Mine" but she shares great.
Book. She love's books, especially Todd Parr books.
Hi and Bye Bye. Now accompanied by a wave or a blown kiss. She loves to give hugs & kisses
Here. If you walk away she will start saying "here" in a cascading level of volume until you come back. She's also not above throwing herself on the floor if you refuse to come "here" when she asks.
Uh Oh. Half the time she says it when she drops something accidentally, half the time she throws it on purpose then says it.
She's also starting to imitate animal sounds. She does "Woof", "Meow" and "Grrrr" right now.

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