Monday, January 16, 2012


I used to be really good at keeping up with this blog, but it kinda got shoved in the background.  But one of my resolutions is to keep up with it more this year as Nia heads into year 3.

Sometimes I look at her and I start to see this smaller version of what I think she will eventually become.  She's lost most of her baby fat, and she just looks like a shrunken adult every once and awhile.  It's funny, because she is such a great eater and eats so much good food and not a lot of junk she's actually really fit and trim for her age.

We're discovering she has a really strong interest in music.  She plays the drums, keyboards, guitar and loves to sing and dance (including the XBOX Kinect "Let's Dance").  She makes up songs all the time and she seems to actually be in key most of the time she sings along with songs she knows.

She loves trains, playing in her "kitchen", and "working" on the computer.

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