Friday, September 16, 2011

More Random Nia Pics

Summer is almost over, Fall clothing is coming out. And Nia is turning into a little lady. At 27 months, she is a daily source of entertainment. Being able to have actual conversations with this little person that not too long ago was a little bundle of pink wrinkly love is such a joy. The little chatterbox always has something to say about everything, and has gone full on into the "What you doiiiiing?", "Again! Again!" and one of my personal favorites "I don't wanna" which if you keep asking can sometimes be followed by a hand up and "STOP!".

All joking aside, I don't think I can list a single food she doesn't like or wont eat. All fruits and vegetables? Check. Indian/Asian/Mediterranian/Latin food? Check. Hot wings? Check. Salads? Check. She is pleasure to take out to eat, except when YOUR food comes, she wants THAT instead of hers. We started asking for an extra adult sized plate and we dish out the grub evenly, even still, when her plate gets sparse, she will ask to switch plates with whoever has more food on theirs.

Nia really loved swimming and took to it famously. No fear of going under, jumping in the kiddie pool and in general just loves the water.

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