Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Assistant Needed

I have really been slacking keeping up with Nia's blog. As she is fast approaching 2 she is a force to be reckoned with and finding time has become harder, still no excuse. If I could harness her energy we could end our reliance on fossil fuels. You wake up one day, and what was once a baby is now a toddler, seemingly overnight. It's not even big things like talking, walking and mastering the world around them, its subtle things like facial expressions, confidence in their movements and developing individuality.

Lately when listening to music, Nia will shake her head and go "no no no" when she doesn't like a song, and a resounding "yesssss!" when she hears one she likes. In general, she likes funky, uptempo music and salsa in addition to the theme songs of her favorite shows. b In the mornings she prefers soul music like Motown. Mia loves to sing and play any instrument she can get her hands on.

When she knows she was naughty and you call her on it, she tilts her head, smiles, waves and says "hi!" in the softest near impossible to be mad at way. At night, before bedtime or when she thinks you're sad, she will grab her blanket, put it on you and rub your back and say "nite nite" with a hug and kiss, empathy and compassion far beyond her years. Sometimes Nia and I just look at each other and smile, whatever it means to her I don't know but much like I do when I look at Gillian, words often fail me.

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